Donald Trump is President, and I am a Public School Teacher

(In my classroom, I rarely speak his name, so forgive me for repeating it here.)

Donald Trump is president, and I am a public school teacher.

Let that sink in for a moment…

Now, allow me to explain.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that ridiculing people with disabilities is a sign of poor character.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that you can’t be a “good person” and a white supremacist.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my male students that they should never touch a woman anywhere without permission.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the phrase “law and order” is steeped in systemic racism.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the U.S. government should not be run like a business.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that refugees should be welcomed in this country.


Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that black lives matter.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that babies carried across borders are not criminals.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that transgender people should be able to choose their bathroom and their branch of military service.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that it is their constitutional right to protest the nation’s anthem, pledge, flag, and political leaders.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that Andrew Jackson was a murderous racist.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that concentrated wealth multiplies poverty.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that most of the time, when people kill people, they use guns.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that the greatest nuclear threat the world has ever seen is the United States of America.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students that education is about building bridges, not walls.

Donald Trump is president, and I teach my students the benefits and drawbacks of a capitalist economy.

Donald Trump is president, and I am a proud liberal progressive public school teacher.

“If this be treason, make the most of it!”

Aaron Baker

2 thoughts on “Donald Trump is President, and I am a Public School Teacher

  1. When Trump became president last year, I was subbing. I am a retired teacher. In front of me was the Scholastic News about his victory. In front of me was a multicultural classroom made up of kids from 20 different nations. The lesson I ended up teaching was that no man—not even a president—is above the law. I taught them if you or your parents do not like his ideas and plans, everyone has the right to protest peacefully through various means. I taught them that just because one holds a title, the title does not create automatic respect—one must earn respect. When I sub now, when the pledge is recited, I do stand and recite it. However, I add a few words. I say that someday there will be liberty and justice for all.


    1. I don’t have a problem with your viewpoints, but it’s disturbing however that you are trying to indoctrinate your students on the world according to “you”. You are free to choose to believe whatever you want about whoever you want. But it’s a little dangerous when you have obvious biases one way or the other and are attempting to force (or coerce at best) those left in your charge to believe as you do. Right or wrong, it’s really not up to you to try to pass off the facts to others as truth based on the world as seen by “you”. Radical is as radical does.


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